Sunday, November 21, 2010

Foods That Heal

Growing up I can always remember my mother would hand me a peppermint when I had a stomach ache. It never struck me as odd until I was with a family member and I had complained of stomach issues and she offered me some awful, pink, chalky liquid. I choked it down and made a mental note not to share my stomach issues with Aunt Tilly ever again.
To this day I always have peppermints handy to help calm an angry tummy. Whether I've over-eaten or something just doesn't agree with me, a peppermint never seems to fail. That is, until I became pregnant & experienced the joys of morning sickness. (Who am I kidding? It was "any time of day" sickness.)
Friends who pitied me offered the usual salt crackers with ginger ale. I must say the ginger ale did help some. Wanting more relief I researched nausea on a lot of the natural boards out there & found a common recommendation for something sour. So, I ran out to the corner store & purchased the first sour thing I could find; a bag of Sour Patch Kids. I can honestly say, I had a bag of these sour little sweeties in my car with me everywhere I went for the next 4-5 months.
Another one of my favorites is cinnamon. Cinnamon is an awesome anti-gas remedy. If I'm making something that's known to be gassy I add some cinnamon and I am sure to avoid a roaring tummy later on. Pancakes are a perfect example of this. I also have a delicious white turkey chili recipe that I adore. It's loaded with beans and onions which are typical gas inducers. Instead of popping an over the counter gas reducer I add cinnamon to the recipe and not only does it add a wonderful flavor and aroma, but it really decreases the amount of gas you experience after wolfing down a bowl.
As I continue to post, I'm going to delve further in to each of these and I also hope to find some new additions for my list as I forge ahead with my research.

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